Model Popular Joanna Alexandra

Joanna Alexandra additionally accepted with Jo, she was built-in in Jakarta, 23 April 1987. She started her career back chic 3′rd inferior aerial school, back she formed in bazaar of artist Adjie Notonegoro, again she offered to become a model.

Child from brace Jafrey Kaerupan and Nina Larasati had been become models of artefact announcement Ponds and celebrities tv alternation such BAJAJ dan JOMBLO. Star blur movies of CATATAN AKHIR SEKOLAH and LEWAT TENGAH MALAM.

Joanna Alexandra anytime affectation in Indonesia Playboy Magazine. On may 2009 she appear her new film, VIRGIN 2: BUKAN FILM PORNO. she role as a Dj. she actuality abundance and blown from home. Joanna additionally charge kissing with a adult woman on that movie. I adulation that cine back she kissed.