Urvashi Rautela, the Miss Diva-Miss Universe India 2015 made an impressive foray into Bollywood with Sunny Deol-starrer 'Singh Saab the Great' in 2012 and there is no stopping her since then. She will be next seen in 'Great Grand Masti', the third installment in the super hit 'Masti' franchise, which is slated to release on July 22, 2016.
In a heart-to-heart with the Times of India, Urvashi Rautela talked about her journey in Bollywood and her upcoming movie 'Great Grand Masti'. Speaking further, she said that it was her most challenging character till date and she enjoyed every bit of it, "This is my third film and I got the opportunity of working with such great people. My character is the crux of the film. She's the heart and soul of the film and according to the director's vision, she's the most beautiful girl in the universe. My character is special because she is not a normal spirit, she's a virgin ghost. It is completely in contrast to Amitabh Bachchanji's role in 'Bhoothnath'. I never knew in my wildest dream that I would get to play such a challenging character in my third film."
When further asked about her co-stars in the film, "I like Vivek Oberoi's intelligence. He's the most intelligent man in showbiz. Aftab (Shivdasani) on the other side is a very serious person in real life. I had a blast with all three of them and their wives and kids too," she said. When asked about any pranks that were played on the sets, she cheekily added that all three co-stars are very naughty, Riteish (Deshmukh) has a secret camera that he puts in the actresses' room."
Clearing the air around the film being touted as vulgar, Urvashi played the defendant and claimed that it is a family film. "'Great Grand Masti' is not a vulgar film. It is a family film and It is three times grander than the earlier two versions. Even I was petrified when I first heard the character. I didn't have to go through any screen test or anything but the director had faith in me. He changed the script for me and therefore I did it. There's a lot of depth in the film this time and towards the end, it conveys a message of following your dreams and heart. This role should have been given to a veteran actress but I got it and I am grateful", she further added.
She concluded the chat by reminiscing her debut film 'Singh Saab The Great' and said, "It was a very fulfilling film. I was very excited to work with superstar Sunny Deol and it was a great experience. Even Priyanka Chopra was launched by Anil Sharmaji and I will always be thankful to him for launching me alongside superstar Sunny Deol in 'Singh Saab The Great'."