The most beautiful Bollywood actress and Former Miss Universe, Priyanka Chopra has finally joined the yearly Correspondent’s Dinner with the US President Obama and his wife at the White House. The gorgeous beauty dazzled the dinner party with her glittering black stripe gown.
She shared her photo with the Barack Obamas on Instagram and said, “Lovely to meet the very funny and charming @barackobama and the beautiful @michelleobama. Thank you for a lovely evening. Cannot wait to start working on your girls education program.”
She shared her photo with the Barack Obamas on Instagram and said, “Lovely to meet the very funny and charming @barackobama and the beautiful @michelleobama. Thank you for a lovely evening. Cannot wait to start working on your girls education program.”
At present, Priyanka is playing a lead role in very famous US TV serial “Quantico “and also busy in shooting of Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron starrer Hollywood film “The Bay Watch”.